I have been in contact with James Merry of the Mid Western RSC, a rugby club from the Whangarei area of New Zealand. He has asked where he could go to announce their club's interest in a rugby game against Canadians; those who are traveling to New Zealand for 2011 Rugby World Cup.
Since I was writing an article about the 2011 RWC for Rugby Day in Canada magazine, I told him I would get the information published into the article. The new issue of Rugby Day in Canada should be available this week prior to the USA Sevens Tournament.
I also thought I would start a forum specifically for the purpose of setting up these types of games. Here is the link to Organizing a Rugby Game for Canadians in NZ.
If you are able to play, why not introduce yourself.
If you are able to host a game with your club against us Canadians, then get us the specifics so we can organize these games.