Monday, February 21, 2011

Christchurch hit by another devastating earthquake

The National on CBC opened tonight with videos of the destruction in Christchurch after this latest earthquake.  It looked like a war zone with buildings collapsing likely while strong aftershocks continue to effect the area and the rescue effort. 

This is what is being reported from New Zealand:

New Zealand police say there have been "multiple fatalities" after a 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Christchurch Tuesday afternoon.

The deaths were reported at several locations, police said, and two buses were crushed by collapsing buildings.

The quake struck just before 1 p.m. Tuesday (5 p.m. Monday MST).

The New Zealand Herald reported that phone lines in the area were out, roads were cracked and water mains had burst. 

All international flights out of New Zealand were canceled Tuesday afternoon. 

Christchurch was hit by a 7.1 earthquake in September 2010, this earthquake is being described as shallower and therefor more damaging than last years earthquake. 

Donations can be made to the New Zealand Red Cross here: New Zealand Red Cross - Christchurch Earthquake Relief