Friday, September 30, 2011

Day 20 – The halfway point

Today marks the halfway point of our New Zealand trip with about 4000 kilometres on the ol’ campervan.  We had a good jump on the day and hit the road nice and early.  We stopped in Masterdon for some cash and look around a dollar store for some glow sticks for light painting.  We snagged some items including some Pokemon cards for Tegan, she swore she needed another activity to keep her busy and this was it.  With the river valley comes flat roads and they were relatively straight; a welcome change.  The Martinborough holiday park wasn’t too grand with its offerings, but adequate and clean.  It lacked a TV room and a playground and that was about all. 

We headed straight for Cape Palliser and the Puangirua Pinnacles.  The hike was nice and short only about an hour to get up the pinnacles and then an hour to get down.  This was one of the places used as a shooting location for Lord of the Rings; Tegan didn’t recall the location even with me trying to refresh her memory.  On the trip up Tegan accidentally broke the screen on her rugged camera.  Good thing I got a replacement warranty for her camera; it will be heading back for fix or replacement once we get back to Canada. 

Next stop was to go see a fur seal colony located just past the lighthouse on Cape Palliser; only we found them just before the lighthouse among a rocky outcrop.  I was stopping to photograph something entirely different and Tegan was off around a boulder getting acquainted with the seals there.  She got barked at by a couple of seals when she got too close.  I began shooting photos of the seals and couldn’t believe how close you could get to them if you were cautious.  I got some fantastic shots and those baby seal eyes are crazy cute when they glance up at you.

On the way back we saw some experienced surfers riding the waves on the coast and the sight of the south island with its snowy peaks could be seen across the Cook Strait.  We stopped and grabbed some groceries for a supper of potatoes, green beans and barbeque lamb chops.  It was delicious although Tegan didn’t enjoy the taste of the lamb.  Tegan made friends with a little girl from France named Agathe.  They were extremely fun to watch and extremely rough with each other as they played full tackle-grapple-rugby around the campground as it neared dark.   I cleaned up our mess from diner and then it was off to bed.