Sunday, October 2, 2011

Day 22 – Last match for Canada

This morning we had breakfast and then started to get ready for the game.  I applied face paint to Tegan’s face, a giant red maple leaf with a black background.  She wore the same clothes and wig from the last game and we boarded the shuttle for Wellington at about 12:30 for our 3 o'clock game.  The atmosphere was great at the game.  There were tons of Canadian supporters and even more All Black supporters.  It was really neat sitting inside the “Cake Tin” watching an All Blacks game.   Sure wish it was more than a once in a lifetime event.   

The haka was fantastic to see live and a little Kiwi boy was imitating the haka moves next to us, as the real haka happened on the pitch. 

The Canadian boys managed the best they could against “The Mighty” and it was reflected in the final score.  After the game we cheered on the boys as they rounded the field, then Tegan and I bolted to other side of the stadium so she could try to get some autographs from the circling players.  I think we got into position for the last three quarters of the team that was left circling the pitch and Tegan probably got about 15 Canadian players and about 4 of The All Blacks.

We probably p’d off a few of our companions on the shuttle as they had just sent out a search party when we arrived at the bus.  When we got back to the campsite, I made supper for us and then it was off to bed.  We had to get an early start to the next day with our ferry ride to the South Island.