Thursday, February 17, 2011

Good Luck Dancers at the Edmonton Irish Sports/Social Soc. Feis 2011

Tegan has her second feis of the year this weekend and this time we are taking a road trip to Edmonton to participate in the Edmonton Irish Sports/Social Soc. Feis 2011. 

This is Tegan's first out of town feis and she is really excited to be staying in a hotel for the weekend as well as dancing in the feis.  There are about 20 dancers from MJP Academy of Irish Dance (Tegan's school) heading 3 hours north to Edmonton.  It should be a great weekend away.  Tegan has been working really hard for this one and if the breakfast goes well this time she should have enough energy to focus on her dancing.  The last feis was a little disappointing since she ate really little for breakfast and had little in her to perform.

As for me, I am looking at this screen with limited vision.  I had my second cataract surgery on Wednesday morning and have 20/15 vision, but that is everything 1m-infinity.  Anything closer and I need reading glasses.  The current one I have are too strong and I need to be about 30 cm from the screens.  Not ideal. 

I just want to wish Tegan and the other dancers from MJP a fantastic time at the weekend feis.  Hope to see some great placings!