Monday, February 28, 2011

Issue #5 - Rugby Day in Canada is out!

The issue I have been waiting for is finally out!

Back in December I was approached by José Romelo Lagman creator of the Rugby Day in Canada and Rugby Day in Mexico magazines.  I was asked if I would be able to prepare an article on the 2011 Rugby World Cup from a Canadian Rugby supporter's viewpoint.  Well, I dove in and got to work making contact with the land down under or at least the one next to the land down under and learned of some interesting events that will take place during the Rugby World Cup.

While doing my research I was then contacted about a rugby game for Canadian Rugby supporters in Whangarei and today I just learned about a 3rd game for us Canadian Rugby supporters!  I started a forum to capture game requests and share the information with all of you out there.  It was my intention to help organize the games between the Kiwis and us Canucks; a meeting place for us to discuss the events.  You can visit the forums by clicking forums in the menu above.

I am happy to see my work in print and I will likely be my worst critic on my efforts to write a decent article.  I hope you do find the article factual, informative and enjoyable.  Thanks to José for allowing me the opportunity to write the article.  Thanks man!

