Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Details on Sidhe's Rugby Challenge video game

On the Sidhe forum there was a thread started by a user called Mystic.  He has compiled a list of confirmed elements that are highly likely to be in the final game design.  Here is that list that was confirmed by Mario the managing director at Sidhe.

  • coming out on ps3, xbox360 and pc
  • commentators are Grant Nisbett and Justin Marshall
  • commentary script includes tributes to some of the greats
  • With respect to the title/branding, there is a little more to it than what has currently been divulged. The choice will make a little more sense closer to release.
  • There are different animations, in relation to try scoring
  • Gamers will have extensive capabilities to create and/or edit existing players and create new ones.
  • you can create custom teams, custom players, and custom competitions.
  • the game has offline multiplayer, online multiplayer, and supports multiplayers on one console in online.
  • Confirmed: Super Rugby, ITM Cup, New Zealand, and Australia.
  • There are no interviews in the game.
  • Not sure about the ability to rename stadia, but there is definitely no option to create a stadium.
  • official ad boards on the field and advertising that is official on the field e.g ITM, Investec, Powerade, coca-cola
  • There are a lot of NZ stadia in the game.
  • Pre match commentary is intended though the depth of any "analysis"
    is light in the scheme of things.
  • there is a limit on how many teams or leagues can be created
  • • 31 stadiums in total, including:
    • 14 NZ stadiums
    • 6 Australian stadiums
    • 5 from South Africa
    • The remaining six are from "around Europe"
  • Select from all pre-existing licensed and generic kits to assign to any given team? Yes. Design a kit from scratch? No.
  • what about importing logos and such? Not going to happen.
  • Will you be able to do illigal hits Strong/dominant tackles? Yes. Illegal hits on purpose? No.
  • Will you be able to simulate matches in franchise mode? Yes.
  • from a graphics perspective, the game is a generational leap over our previous sports titles (as you might expect).
  • From a feature and gameplay perspective, the game is shaping up well compared to our previous sports titles also. I am pleased with where development is at.
  • Custom boots specified on a per player basis look like they will be supported in Rugby Challenge.
  • Custom accessories (e.g. headgear, bike shorts, body taping, head taping etc) specified on a per player basis look like they might be supported in Rugby Challenge
  • Tattoos will probably be included in a limited fashion.
  • Of those players whose likeness rights we have, we have prioritised where we put the majority of our effort.
  • Left foot kicking specified on a per player basis look like they will be supported in Rugby Challenge.
  • There are multiple camera angles in the game and it will ship by default set with the one we determine most of our test subjects enjoy.
  • there will be variation in how tops are worn e.g. tucked, untucked etc.
  • players will get dirty over time.
  • The game doesn't use right stick tackling currently (29th March)
  • All cameras which point up the field give you the ability to turn the flipping on a change of possession on or off.
  • custom uniforms have to be chosen from a set of predefined defaults.
  • Will the ground/sideline be packed with more life-like people... Yes, it will.
  • Rucks are managed strategically, mauls are managed with a mix of button mashing and strategy, and scrum gameplay is timing based.
  • What happens during loading is interactive rather than static information.
  • There will be unlockables. As the player, you will have some level of control over unlock order too so you can prioritise the stuff you are interested in.
  • online quitting solutions: We are employing a multi dimensional solution involving both carrot and stick based incentives.
  • The customisation capabilities mean you can create pretty much any kind of competition with pretty much any selection of teams you want.
  • Shirts, shorts, and socks cannot be changed independently. Shoes can though. And there are options with respect to the type of shirt and how it is worn
  • There will definitely be some form of Haka in the game
  • I've also suggested our approach to how online data is transmited and managed is similar to FIFA. With FIFA I meant a similarity in the realtime transfer of game data back and forth and how the simulation is synchronized rather than the stats side of things.
  • You will be able to choose between different hair styles
  • Quote: Crowd should be 3D models Included. Quote: that can wave flags Included. Quote: and have other unique animations. Included.
  • the game will be out by the end of August.
  • Multiple difficulty levels, multiple competitions, multiple leagues, dozens and dozens of teams, different AI team play styles, franchise mode, ability to tweak and edit, and online multiplayer should keep you busy for a while.
  • you saying that we will be able to edit the players stats...??? Yes, that's what I am saying.
  • Will we also be able to change Team Ratings? Yes, you will.
  • Making Of videos will be available within the game.
  • TMO is in
  • 3,500 names recorded based on player lists plus common surnames in each of the major territories plus some forum user requested names.
  • Will there be trophies and achievements in this game or you cant tell us yet? Yes, there will be.
  • there are pregame team lists, half time stats, and full time stats.
  • "tutorials for the novice player".
  • there are actually 26 different sets of boots in the game.
  • Just wondering if you guys might be going to use the online pass system?. You mean charge renters and used copy purchasers to play online? No.
  • I've mentioned before we've pulled through the RL2 style passing controls, so we have the "pass to playmaker" option at any time in there
  • Is that suggesting a timing aspect to off-load success & not just singular animation like rugby 08 was? Yes, timing in addition to the direction of the offload in relation to the dominance and nature of the tackle.
  • PS3 has lead over xbox360 slightly because it is more complicated to get
    the most out of it.
  • National Anthems are in
  • there will be more Northern Hemisphere teams licensed than Southern Hemisphere teams (31 SH teams announced so far so at least 32 NH teams to be licenced)
  • Sidhe recorded a crowd at Westpac stadium to form the in-game crowd sounds
  • There are replays in the game
  • players can get injured
  • The game uses our own custom version of Sony's PhyreEngine and leverages other technology solutions including FMOD from Firelight, and Morpheme from Natural Motion. Content was developed primarily in Adobe Photoshop and Maya from Autodesk.
  • the 'advantage' rule is included.
  • There are a couple of "special" teams that ship with the game