Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Seats left on flight to Auckland from Vancouver

I just went on the Air New Zealand - Canada website and checked out just how many seats are currently left unselected.  This is the flight that leaves Vancouver on Friday September 9th, 2011 at 8:30pm.  This flight is direct to New Zealand from Canada and total time in air is 13h 00m.  The first class and business class seats were all booked in December 2010, the number of current seats unclaimed is 48.  This flight could very well be fully booked, as seats are only claimed when you login and select a seat, otherwise you will be seated on the day of travel.

Hopefully all of you who are heading to New Zealand this fall have already booked your flights and selected your seats online.  I selected our seats long ago in December and when I checked in on the seat status in February there were 137 seats unclaimed for flight 83 from Vancouver to Auckland.  If this flight isn't fully booked, it is very close.  There are even seats available in the party section at the rear of the plane where we are sitting!  Party is only on for a couple of hours or until the kids fall asleep.