Sunday, May 15, 2011

Tickets for Rugby World Cup 2011 on the way

Rugby supporters who opted for delivery should receive their tickets by the end of May. Others will be able to get their tickets from a Ticketek outlet starting June 1st, 2011. Tickets for Dunedin will however go out later in July.  We opted to pick ours up in New Zealand and it will be one of the first things that we do.  Maybe they should open a kiosk at the airport to service the arriving passengers!  Did anyway here that?!

The unique New Zealand design features mangopare and koru designs which represent the world coming together in union for the 2011 Rugby World Cup.

On the down side the tournament organizers have had to buy back about 129,000 tickets due to the Christchurch earthquake and relocation of those games to other venues.

The current number of tickets sold stands at about 790,000 with another 810,000 tickets still available for purchase.  The target for ticket sales is 1.35 million of the possible 1.6 million tickets.

The remaining tickets will go on sale on July 4th, 2011.  There must be an immense pressure on someone's shoulders to meet this target.  Just to meet the target, 560,000 tickets must be sold.  Sounds like a monstrous task to me, perhaps they shouldn't wait until July to get the remaining tickets off the shelf!