When you send in your request, provide your Shaw account number in the email. This will validate yourself as a customer and give your suggestions more weight.
My recent email to ecare at Shaw provided this response:
Unfortunately we do not have any definitive time frame when or if we will be adding the Setanta HD channel.We have filled out a channel request on your behalf. The form will be forwarded to our programming department for future considerations. Please note that decisions about which channels to carry are made carefully with consideration to factors including: CRTC regulations, mass appeal of channels, past success of similar themed channels, success of channels in other markets, technical and business implications, etc.If all conditions are favourable, the channel will eventually be added to the line-up.
So, take a little time and send an email as a soft protest to the HD Setanta Sports dilemma with Shaw... I am looking for alternatives with other providers or even Setanta-i Sports, the online version. I might have to cut out the middle man (Shaw) and go with online only.