Saturday, July 2, 2011

Support Rugby Canada Players - RWC 2011

Rugby Canada and the Dog River Howlers Rugby Club are participating in a joint fundraising program to help the National Senior Men’s Team raise funds to offset their costs to participate in the 2011 Rugby World Cup in New Zealand.

“We Stand on Guard for Thee” is based on the concept that players will “stand on guard” for the nation’s rugby community and all Canadians as they represent Canada at the World Cup games. We in turn will “stand on guard” and show our support for their tireless efforts to be competitive on the world stage.

You can choose the player you wish to support with your purchase of a “We Stand on Guard for Thee”  item. Simply note the player on your order form and net proceeds from the sale of the item will support that person.

National Senior Men's Team 2011

Tyler Ardron
Brett Beukeboom
Connor Braid
Hubert Buydens
Aaron Carpenter
Jamie Cudmore
Nanyak Dala
Tom Dolezel
Sean Duke
Brian Erichsen

Matt Evans
Ed Fairhurst
Scott Franklin
Mitch Gudgeon
Ryan Hamilton
Ciaran Hearn
Nathan Hirayama
Tyler Hotson
Adam Kleeberger
Jeremy Kyne
Jamie Mackenzie
Philip Mackenzie

Jason Marshall
Justin Mensah-Coker
Stan McKeen
John Moonlight
Ander Monro
Chauncey O'Toole
Kevin Parfrey
Taylor Paris
Jon Phelan
Mike Pletch
James Pritchard
Pat Riordan

Mike Scholz
Jebb Sinclair
Ryan Smith
Sean Michael Stephen
Luke Tait
Andrew Tiedemann
Conor Trainor
DTH van der Merwe
Frank Walsh
Sean White
Eric Wilson
Tyler Wish
Doug Wooldridge

I didn't know about this program prior to purchasing my RWC 2011 - Canadian jersey.  The RWC 2011 jerseys are available through this program in a special edition format that has the "We Stand On Guard For Thee" phrase in place of the RWC 2011 logo. You also are directly supporting your favourite player when you purchase one of these jerseys.

We Stand On Gurad For Thee: Players A-N
We Stand On Gurad For Thee: Players O-W

Other items available are prints on fine art paper or canvas, rugby ball and t-shirt. 

Support our team and support our players as they work towards the RWC 2011 tournament.